Buffalo Spirit Box

Buffalo Spirit Box
Buffalo/Bison’s medicine includes manifestation, protection, earth creativity, feminine courage, abundance, knowledge, generosity, hospitality, sharing work, courage, strength, challenge, survival, giving for the greater good, formulating beneficial plans.

Spider Magick Box

Spider Magick Box
" Cast your dreams into the mystical dream-web of the spider." ~ Presley .................. Love, Life, Spirit and Weaver of Destiny... The spider is a remarkable figure of feminine energy and creativity in the spirit animal kingdom. Spiders are characterized by the skilled weaving of intricate webs and patience in awaiting their prey. By affinity with the spider spirit animal, you may have qualities of high receptivity and creativity. Having the spider as a power animal or totem helps you tune into life’s ebbs and flows and ingeniously weave every step of your destiny. As the weaver of the web, the spider symbolizes the spirit of creation. In several traditions, she’s the totemic symbol of the Mother, strong feminine energy. In Ancient Egypt, the spider was used as a symbol to represent the goddess of the Divine Mother, Neith. In some American Indian tribes, it is considered as the symbol for the creator of the world and by extension is associated with the female creative energy...

Water Dragon Spirit

Water Dragon Spirit



Icelandic Stave Crow Box

Icelandic Stave Crow Box
On the lid is citrine. The inside of the box is lined with the Yew tree branches, to enhance the energy and to hold space for the Stave Ball. Each stave has an intention either for magick, joy, strength, good health, wisdom, power, connection to the soul, protection or love. Included are cards that describe the meaning of each stave.

Dragon Spirit Rattle

Dragon Spirit Rattle
" The dragons medicine includes change and transformation, wisdom, infinity, longevity and movement through space, supernatural. Celtic tradition may give specific qualities for dragons of the elements of earth, fire, water, and air, however, in general terms, Dragon’s power is that of shedding its skin and coming out as a new, transformed being. The dragon provides us with fierce protection and possesses inherent magic, adding extra power to any magic you may perform. Dragon represents the supernatural and infinite self. " ~ Ina Woolcott

Sea Magick Box

Sea Magick Box
The Sea magick box has ocean shells, coral, sea salt and sea stones. I also added some clear quartz crystals, tiger eye, aventurine and amethyst. The symbols on the box are Moon Glyphs and Janarric Sea Runes. These runes were originally devised by the Italian coastal witches known as Janarric Witches. The ancient runic symbols were used for spell castings, to draw on the power of the sea to empower and manifest sea magick.

Crow Magick

Crow Magick

Dragon Bowl

Dragon Bowl

Rattles ~ Made from gourds and driftwood.

Rattles ~ Made from gourds and driftwood.
The rattle is a power antenna. You use it to call in the Spirits and to lift off heavy energy; it is like a lightning rod. You should feel the power flowing through you. Many people have had this experience while standing in the circle calling to their Spirit guides for help. You do not control the rattle; rather you receive the power (help) the rattle is giving you. The true power of the rattle is in its Spirit. Learning to work with the rattle is learning to listen to its Spirit. The rattle is not a tool – it is an ally. We use the rattle to send our voices to the Spirits or the Creator.

Serpent Rattle

Serpent Rattle



Eagle Spirit

Eagle Spirit
Painted on Shelf Fungi

Wolf & Dragon Magick box

Wolf & Dragon Magick box
Inside the box is the pentagram with citrine, meteorite, amber, iron pyrite, clear quartz crystal, turquoise, moonstone, amethyst and black beach stone. The Icelandic stave on the inside lid is for the solstice\ and elements.


My intention was to try to capture the energy of the trees and to show how alive their spirit is.

Celtic Dragon Potion Bottle

Celtic Dragon Potion Bottle

Crow Spirit Magick Box

Crow Spirit Magick Box

Crow Wish Bottle

Crow Wish Bottle

Butterfly Globe

Butterfly Globe

Crow Magick Box

Crow Magick Box
" Crow is the guardian of ceremonial magic and healing. In any healing circle, Crow is present. Crow guides the magic of healing and the change in consciousness that will bring about a new reality and dispel "dis-ease" or illness. You can rest assure when ever crows are around, magic is near by and you are about to experience a change in consciousness. Crow can give you the courage to enter the darkness of the void, which is the home of all that is not yet in form. " ~ Sandy Pouncey
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